Superbugs to kill ten million people... are antibiotics to blame?

Superbugs to kill ten million people... are antibiotics to blame?

Antibiotics can be life saving in certain situations. But when over-prescribed, they can be deadly.

Dr. Debra Goff is an Infectious Disease clinical pharmacist and founding member of the Antibiotic Stewardship Program (ASP) at The Ohio State University (OSU) Wexner Medical Center and Professor of Pharmacy Practice in the College of Pharmacy in Columbus Ohio USA.

Dr. Goff is a TEDx speaker on antibiotics “just in case” there’s infection. She is the Program Director for the South Africa Train-the-Trainer Antibiotic Stewardship Mentoring Program founded in 2012. She received the 2019 Ohio State University Distinguished International Outreach and Engagement Award for her work in South Africa. Dr. Goff is one of twenty-five global experts selected by the World Health Organization (WHO) to implement antibiotic stewardship programs in low-middle income countries. She works globally in hospitals across 6 continents. She lectures nationally and internationally and has over 150 publications. She uses Twitter (@idpharmd) to increase global engagement, educate and increase awareness of antibiotic resistance.

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The Betr Podcast is hosted by Dr. Bill Ferro, and is produced by Earfluence.

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